Taranaki - like no other

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A week in Taranaki (New Plymouth) gave us many opportunities to photograph things that are, 'like no other', as their district motto says. It is a unique area of New Zealand, really quite apart. I worked there from 1972 - 1974 at the Taranaki Savings Bank and I found it interesting to visit some of my old haunts, where 40 years ago I photographed with my film Pentax SLR. One place we visited was Pukekura Park and its festival of lights, and I found myself photographing in the same spots as I had 40 years before. The new Len Lye Centre building, with its mirror-like external cladding, makes for some interesting pictures, as does the Rewa Rewa Bridge on New Plymouth's fantastic coastal walkway. A week of perfect weather, based in an apartment right on the walkway, made for a very pleasant and restful sojourn.  I recommend it.


