Christmas bonus - Photos of two new bird species

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This has been a good summer for new bird species in New Zealand - for me, three new birds photographed in three weeks, not too bad considering some years there are no additions. The first was the Wilson's Phalarope, as reported in my last post, followed by a trip to Miranda on the Firth of Thames where with difficulty I managed photos of two Pectoral Sandpipers that had been reported from there. While at Miranda I received a text from a friend in Napier saying, "You must come here ASAP as a place has been found where Marsh Crake are reliably seen".  So a trip home from Auckland via Napier (650 km) was undertaken resulting in some beautiful pictures of Marsh Crake. This had been my 'nemesis bird', one I'd sort at every place possible where they were said to be, and always dipped out. Only once had I glimpsed one, but it was gone before I could ready my camera. So for me these are a great Christmas bonus, and thanks goes to those who first identified and reported these special birds. a47i0780s a47i0882s